How to Detect Damages In A Used Shipping Container
If you are buying a shipping/ storage container for the first time, you may find it most difficult to inspect it properly. If you are looking to purchase a new container, you have peace of mind as you know that your container will be in the best state. However, if you are looking to invest in a used container, you may want to assess whether your container is in cargo-worthy condition. If your container is listed in “As Is/ Where Is” condition, there are chances that you may need to address some small cosmetic issues or you may even require to commit greater effort in fixing a bigger damage. You should particularly inspect the corner posts, floors, and the doors including the locking mechanisms and the rods.
Floor delamination and cracks are the common issues that you may face with your used container. Depending on the degree of damage, you may choose to patch the affected area with sheet metal or you may need to replace the entire floor section with a new metal sheet or plywood. Make sure you carry a flashlight or leave the doors open so that you can get maximum light to inspect carefully.
Door damage may pose a bigger concern if it makes it difficult for you to open, close, or lock the container doors. Check if the hinges, locking devices, or the locking rods are bent. This may prevent the container doors from closing properly and you may find it difficult to lock them as well. It is quite easy to inspect the condition of the doors. Just open them, close them, and check if the locking devices work. There are chances that a used container has not been in use for a long time and in such cases, you may need to put some effort to undertake the open-close-lock-unlock operation. Damaged hinges do not allow the doors to swing smoothly and bent locking rods prevent safe and smooth locking. Check for such signs when you conduct a door inspection.
The walls form the structural foundation of a shipping container, protecting your assets from wind and moisture and keeping them safe from theft. Shipping containers are made out of COR-TEN steel and a little surface rust on the walls and the corner post is natural. It is quite easy to examine the walls, rails, and posts. First, start with an external inspection. Walk around the container and check for rust, dents or holes that might have been caused by yard equipment. If you are able to spot any hole, try to remember the location. Now walk inside the container to inspect the interior walls. Examine each rail and check if the rails are straight. Next, check for spots and try to determine if the positions of the internal spots coincide with the positions of the spots that you observed outside. Now shut the doors of the container and check if you are able to spot a ray of sunlight that might have made its way through the container wall. Ideally, you shouldn’t be seeing sunlight entering the container but if you do observe sunrays, you may need to address a serious corrosion issue.
Whether you are looking to address your commercial storage needs or you want an additional storage capability during a home renovation project, make sure that you undertake proper examinations and exercise prudence while choosing a storage container.
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